Hello everyone who attended the 2015 NMPW Conference last weekend!
Hello everyone who attended the 2015 NMPW Conference last weekend!
We wanted to send out a quick email to follow-up on conference attendees due to some feedback we heard. This blog post is a chance for you to give us any comments you might have regarding the conference: don’t hold back, you are all communicators! Plus, good or bad, any feedback will help us improve the conference for next year to make it even better!
Please join us in congratulating all of our NMPW 2015 Communications Contest winners. We are proud to announce the 2015 communications contest winners: 2015_NMPW_Comm_Contest_Winners
The New Mexico Press Women Scholarship Committee has awarded two undergraduate college students three scholarships: the Cary Herz Scholarship and two Doris Gregory Memorial Scholarships.
The New Mexico Press Women Scholarship Committee has awarded two undergraduate college students three scholarships: the Cary Herz Scholarship and two Doris Gregory Memorial Scholarships.
The New Mexico Press Women Communications contest attracted a record number of entries this year
The New Mexico Press Women Communications contest attracted a record number of entries this year. According to the most recent analysis of data, the 2015 New Mexico Press Women Communications Contest attracted 94 entrants and 260 entries this year – an 85% increase in entries year over year. According to the National Federation of Press Women, the New Mexico state contest has grown faster than any other state. As a result of the increase, the contest has become more competitive with more quality entries.
2015 Ghost Ranch Annual Conference on “The Power of Storytelling” is Sold Out
2015 Ghost Ranch Annual Conference on “The Power of Storytelling” is Sold Out
Be sure your work is represented in the 2015 New Mexico Press Women Communications Contest for men and women the final electronic deadline 6 days away, February 9
Be sure your work is represented in the 2015 New Mexico Press Women Communications Contest for men and women the final electronic deadline 6 days away, February 9. Well, actually five days, but if you wait til Monday, you might be scrambling if you have to wrestle with the online site and are trying to get help at the eleventh hour (Mountain Standard Time). Totally stuck and abysmally confused by the electronic website? Contact NMPW Communications contest chair Diane Schmidt at dianeschmidt22@hotmail.com or 505-890-8363, and arrange an evening time to go through the process over the phone. Attached is a handy reference for creating .pdfs. All award places, including honorable mentions, receive certificates. All certificates are presented at the sexy new 2015 NMPW Conference, The Power of Storytelling, held at Ghost Ranch this year, featuring Valerie Plame Friday night, Saturday workshops, the Zia Awards lunch, and the Awards Banquet with keynote speaker Bruce McKenna. First place winners who are members of NMPW and the National Federation ofPress Women are eligible to compete nationally.
Be sure your work is represented in the 2015 New Mexico Press Women Communications Contest
Be sure your work is represented in the 2015 New Mexico Press Women Communications Contest
NMPW Offers Scholarships in Photojournalism & Journalism
New Mexico Press Women invites students to apply for three higher education scholarships offered this year, open to students regardless of gender. Main criteria for the awards are career potential, although scholastic standing is a consideration. The deadline is Friday, March 6. NMPW offers one $1,275 Cary Herz scholarship to a student studying photojournalism. […]
Renew your membership – or join today!
Have you renewed your membership in NMPW/NFPW yet? If not, it’s time! Why? For one, the amazing conference at Ghost Ranch is rapidly approaching and you get the best rate as a member who registers before the early bird opportunity slips away. Speaking of conferences, the NFPW conference will be in Anchorage, Alaska, this September […]
The New Mexico Press Women 2015 Communications Contest is now open!
The New Mexico Press Women 2015 Communications Contest is now open! New Mexico Press Women invites entries for the 2015 Communications Contest, recognizing excellence in print or electronic media, books, photography, advertising, public relations, graphic arts, blogs/websites, and academic journalism throughout New Mexico. You don’t have to be a member of NMPW to participate in this open competition, and both men and women are encouraged to enter and join.