In Memory of George Floyd

New Mexico Press Women condemns the senseless and unjust murder of George Floyd and stands with the journalists who are covering the protests. Journalists report the news every day, even at the risk of their own safety. In the overheated atmosphere of this summer, when journalists rush to the scene of the action, they are becoming targets of groups who don’t want their actions recorded. Journalists and their organizations need all the support we can give, by watching, reading and financially supporting them.

We also support the legions of Americans who record and share information that we would otherwise never know. It was a citizen who video-recorded the death of George Floyd and shared his last words. Democracy thrives when citizens stand up and record something urgent. At this moment in history, sharing history-making video gives renewed meaning to the phrase citizen journalist.

New Mexico Press Women

Historian’s Report 2023

Historian’s Report 2023 New Mexico Press Women Robert Flinkman, Historian March 10th-11th, 2023 New Mexico Press Women officers for the

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