Death (or Life?) of American Journalism Lecture

NMPW member Tom Johnson discusses “Death (or Life?) of American Journalism” on Thursday, Nov. 19, from 1-3 PM in a Zoom meeting in cooperation with the Santa Fe-based RENESAN Institute for Lifelong Learning. There were 71,000 journalists in America in 2008. By 2018 that number had dropped to 38,000. There were 50 major media corporations […]

An LCPW Conversation with J. C. ‘Jen’ Cervantes

Dear LCPW members and friends, please join us on Tuesday, November 10 at 6 p.m. for “An LCPW Conversation with J. C. ‘Jen’ Cervantes.” Jen is a New York Times best-selling children’s author of the Storm Runner series, a Mayan mythology trilogy for middle-grade readers. Cervantes’s career has exploded since publishing her first children’s book, […]

Sign up for “Journalism under Fire: Covering Crisis” Conference

The Santa Fe Council on International Relations (CIR) will host its third Journalism under Fire conference this fall from November 10 – December 3. All digital for the first time, this year’s theme is Covering Crisis and will feature leading journalists, photojournalists, political cartoonists, and academics. Together, they’ll address, dissect, and illustrate how journalism is […]

2021 Zia Book Award

The Zia Book Awards and Scholarships will be presented at noon on Saturday, March 13. The event is free and open to the public. The link for the Zoom awards session is given below: Zia Book Awards and Scholarship Presentation Event: Join Zoom Meeting: If you need them: Meeting ID: 869 0337 4596, Passcode: […]

Rudolfo Anaya: ¡Presente! A Tribute to New Mexico’s Literary Padrino

A panel of scholars and writers discuss the literary life and legacy of Rudolfo Anaya and his works. This online event is presented by the Santa Fe New Mexican and will be shown live on Tuesday, at 1:00 pm MDT and made available also on Facebook. Educators are encouraged to share this presentation with students […]

Online Panel Discussion: COVID-19 and the NM Media Response

How did journalists that usually report on other issues quickly pivot to report on the COVID-19 crisis competently and confidently? What are the stories they would have liked to tell? Join us on Monday, June 15, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for a NMPW and Las Cruces online video event, “COVID-19 and the NM […]

SouthWest Writers 2020 Writing Contest

Are you an aspiring poet? Fiction writer? Memoirist? SouthWest Writers (SWW) annual short story and poetry writing contest challenges you to bring your tales to life. With more than 66 prizes and an option to have your work published, this is an opportunity to give wings to your creativity. Whether your interest lies in the […]