Albuquerque Press Women to Hear about New Mexico’s Struggle toward Statehood

As New Mexico celebrates its centennial anniversary of statehood, it is well to remember that statehood did not come easily for our nation’s 47th state. Albuquerque Press Women will host a lively talk by historian Richard Melzer on Thursday, June 14 at 11:45 a.m. at the MCM Eleganté, 2020 Menaul NE.

The luncheon meeting will be co-hosted with the League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico.

Menu: spaghetti with marinara sauce, garlic bread, salad, and chocolate cake.
$15 for members, $21 for non-members.
Let me know if you’ll be there.
Thanks, Janet

NOTE: Persons who have luncheon reservations and who do not attend will be billed unless we are notified by 10 a.m. on the day of the luncheon.