The President’s Message: NMPW Board Meeting and Setting a Direction
By Regina Griego Hello, members of the New Mexico Press Women (NMPW). I chaired my first board meeting on June 29, 2024. We engaged in filling necessary board positions, reports from the treasurer, the historian, the vice-president, and our chapter representatives. We are financially healthy and all is well with our NMPW organization. We also […]
27 New Mexico Entrants Placed in Nationals
36 Entries Submitted for National Contest on June 22, 2024 at the NFPW Conference in St. Louis. (Each line represents a placement in the national contest) May 6 is the deadline to apply for First-Timer’s grant from the NFPW Education Fund May 10 is the deadline to send NFPW photos for the awards slide show May 20 is the last day […]
New Mexico communicators win national awards
Communicators in New Mexico have won a slew of awards — nine first-place awards, six second-place, six third-place and seven honorable mentions — from the 2016 National Federation of Press Women annual communications contest. The official awards will be given at NFPW’s national conference in Wichita, Kansas Sept. 8-10, 2016.
18 First-Place National Awards for New Mexico Press Women in National Federation of Press Women Contest, 43 awards total
18 First-Place National Awards for New Mexico Press Women in National Federation of Press Women Contest, 43 awards total
2015 NMPW Communicator of Achievement Award
Please join us in congratulating Anne Hillerman, our 2015 NMPW Communicator of Achievement Award recpient.
Renew your membership – or join today!
Have you renewed your membership in NMPW/NFPW yet? If not, it’s time! Why? For one, the amazing conference at Ghost Ranch is rapidly approaching and you get the best rate as a member who registers before the early bird opportunity slips away. Speaking of conferences, the NFPW conference will be in Anchorage, Alaska, this September […]
The 2015 Contest is now open!
The 2015 Contest is now open! to review rules and categories, and start submitting your entries!
Work published in 2014 is eligible. Deadline for online entries Feb. 9, books Feb. 2.
Do we have a category for you! Choose from 64 categories from general reporting to specialty communications, it’s your chance to be recognized. Competition is open. You don’t have to be a member. Men are encouraged to enter and join. Nationally recognized professional judges and feedback. AWARDS BANQUET AT GHOST RANCH CONFERENCE April 25th, 2015. And, 1st place winners are eligible to enter the National Federation of Press Women contest
New Mexico Press Women win several national awards
Members of the Albuquerque Press Women and New Mexico Press Women have won a number of awards in the National Federation of Press Women contest. The individual winners are listed below. Lauren Camp First 61A Creative verse – Single poem Lauren Camp First 61B Creative verse – Book or chapbook of poetry Margaret Cheasebro First 1B News story […]
NFPW Free Flow of Information Act Alert
Dear NFPW Members: This is NFPW’s first First Amendment Network alert in a while and it is on a VERY, VERY important topic. The subject matter is the push for adoption of a federal shield law. FAN is providing information to you so you will know what is going on and then can act accordingly. […]
Copyright expert Burr shares love for writing, teaching
Copyright expert Burr shares love for writing, teaching
Sherri Burr was one of the first to offer to teach a workshop at last year’s National Federation of Press Women conference in Salt Lake City. I was impressed with her enthusiasm for what she does. In addition, this amazing woman lectures around the world on copyright protection, in addition to being a university professor teaching intellectual property law in New Mexico. Meet another unique, unbelievable NFPW member.
Read the NFPW interview