Peter Kierst to speak at next Albuquerque Press Women networking luncheon

Albuquerque Press Women and Friends will host University of New Mexico Lecturer Peter Kierst on Monday, February 10 at 11:30 a.m. at Mimi’s Restaurant (4316 The 25 Way) to discuss President Trump’s Impeachment Trial and the Constitution.

Peter Kierst
Peter Kierst

We are living in a complex time when it is hard to unravel just how the three branches of government are supposed to work with each other. President Donald Trump is on trial for abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Is this how the framers of the constitution pictured the process of impeachment? Is the U.S. Constitution actually working as the framers intended it to do? Come and ask the questions.

Kierst has taught courses on the “Powers of the Presidency” at the UNM Department of Political Science and has researched how recent court rulings have affected the flow of money in American politics.

Please join us for an interesting conversation on constitutional politics and democracy.