NMPW Members win New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards

Congratulations to these members of New Mexico Press Women who have received awards from the New Mexico Book Co-op, sponsor of the New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards!

rocks-with-wingsAnne Hillerman, member of the Santa Fe chapter leadership team. was honored with a Founders 10th Anniversary Award for her novel “Rocks with Wings” (Harper Collins; 2015).new-mexico-farm-table-cookbook

Sharon Niederman, NMPW board member, received a first place award for her cookbook “New Mexico Farm Table Cookbook” (The Countryman Press; 2015).

complete-space-buffs-bucket-listLoretta Hall, NMPW president, received a first place award in the Travel category for her book, “The Complete Space Buff’s Bucket List” (Rio Grande Books).

The New Mexico Book Co-op promotes books from New Mexico, Arizona and from throughout the Southwest. Learn more about the NM Book Co-op and it’s activities by visiting their website.