This year’s conference is packed with exciting opportunities to learn, network and celebrate both your and your fellow professional communicators’ achievements.
Here are the 3 Top Reasons to attend the NMPW Conference on April 26:
1) Two workshops with plenty of opportunities to learn and network with professionals from around the great state of New Mexico.
2) Two awards celebrations and a silent auction to raise funds for our Doris Gregory Memorial Scholarship.
3) The NMPW Annual Meeting at 1:40 on the day of the conference. At that time, the Membership will take up the issue of revisions to the NMPW Bylaws. Among those is a proposal to change the name of our organization.
The following names will be advanced for a vote by Membership present at the Annual Meeting:
- Maintaining New Mexico Press Women
- Changing the name to New Mexico Media Professionals
- Changing the name to a combined version, New Mexico Press Women & Media Professionals
The February newsletter contains the revisions to the NMPW Bylaws along with memos for and against the name change. In addition we have information from NFPW affiliates which have changed their names.
For more information on the conference go to
Registration ends April 17