Congratulations to Tonya, Sherry, Melody and Judith
- Tanya Ward Goodman of Los Angeles, California: Leaving Tinkertown (2013) UNM Press, Albuquerque, NM – Winner
- Sherry Robinson of Albuquerque, New Mexico: I Fought A Good Fight: A History of the Lipan Apaches (2013) University of North Texas Press, Denton Texas – First Runner-up
- Melody Groves of Albuquerque, New Mexico: Butterfield’s Byway: America’s First Overland Mail Route Across the West (2014) The History Press, Charleston, SC – Second Runner-up
- Judith Fein of Santa Fe, New Mexico: The Spoon from Minkowitz: A Bittersweet Roots Journey to Ancestral Lands (2014) Global Adventure, Santa Fe – Honorable Mention