The New Mexico Press Women 2015 Communications Contest is now open!

New Mexico Press Women invites entries for the 2015 Communications Contest, recognizing excellence in print or electronic media, books, photography, advertising, public relations, graphic arts, blogs/websites, and academic journalism throughout New Mexico. You don’t have to be a member of NMPW to participate in this open competition, and both men and women are encouraged to enter and join.

The contest deadline is Feb. 9, 2015 at 11:59 pm for all media entered electronically, and postmarked Feb. 2, 2015 for books. To be eligible, the work must have been distributed, published or broadcast between Jan. 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. Note that books categories include a variety of fiction and non-fiction adult and children’s books as well as poetry published or first distributed in 2014.

The awards will be announced at the NMPW Communications Conference

Awards Banquet at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico on Saturday evening, April 25th, 2015.Entries are judged by nationally recognized professional judges and receive peer feedback. All award places, including honorable mentions, receive a certificate.

Visit for further details on entering the electronic portal. Entry fees are reduced to $10 for the first entry and $5 for each succeeding entry, for members; $15 for the first entry and $10 for each succeeding entry, for nonmembers.

Organizations – including media, companies and institutions – can take advantage of one member rate for all their entries.

Join New Mexico Press Women for $13 at the state level to enjoy benefits and join local chapters holding monthly professional meetings in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Las Cruces. Winners receive state-wide media attention. First place winners who are members of NMPW and the National Federation of Press Women will go on to compete nationally. Combined New Mexico and National membership is $90.

NMPW, the state’s largest inclusive media organization since 1949, is an affiliate of the National Federation of Press Women. Membership is open to men and women. NMPW holds an annual communications contest, provides scholarships for high school students, and the Zia Book Award, and has local chapter activities in Albuquerque, Northern New Mexico, and Las Cruces.

Questions? Contact Contest Chair Diane Schmidt


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