The Broadsheet Newsletter – August 2009

NMPW Web Site  Makeover

Thanks to Sari Krosinsky, NMPW’s Web site has a fresh new look! It’s been updated to feature easier navigation and an interactive blog. Check it out at Members are invited to contribute multimedia content like photos, video or audio from NMPW and chapter events. The new site also includes links to members’ Web sites and blogs. (Reciprocal links to NMPW would be appreciated, but are not required.) Send submissions to New Media Chair Sari Krosinsky at

Where in New Mexico is NMPW’s 60th Anniversary?

Planning will soon be underway for NMPW’s 60th anniversary conference, and we need your help choosing a location. Vote and comment at

Some issues to consider:

  • Accessibility for attendees and presenters from both in and out of state.
  • Potential for chapter building and/or recruitment of new members.
  • Local journalism/media history, resources and culture.

NMPW April Conference: Sweepstakes Winners

Oops! Looks like we neglected to mention some deserving winners in the Annual Conference Wrap-up Issue. Our apologies. We offer belated, but no less sincere, congratulations to the Sweepstakes Winners:

Individual Category
Denise Tessier:  1st Place
Chris Burroughs:  2nd Place
Tania Casselle:  3rd Place

Organization Category
Santa Fe New Mexican: 1st Place
The Weekly Alibi:  2nd Place
New Mexico Independent:  3rd Place

NFPW 2009 Annual Conference: Close to Home and Half the Price!

The NMPW Board has voted to pay half the registration fee for any members who wish to attend the National Conference to be held Sept. 10-12 in San Antonio, Texas. This is a fantastic opportunity to attend a national conference that is both close to home and discounted! You can link to the conference agenda here.

More information on the conference can be found at the NFPW Web site, here.  For information on applying for NMPW to pay half of your registration fee, please contact Chris Burroughs at

Chapter News

North Chapter

Please mark August 1 on your calendars for the next meeting, to be held in Los Alamos. Local author Dorothy Hoard is the featured speaker. Lunch will be catered by Katy Korkos’ husband David Korkos, who served as top chef of Katherine’s Restaurant in White Rock for 25 years. Lunch costs $10 per person (the chapter is contributing $5 per person toward the real cost of $15). Expect a reminder and a request for positive RSVPs about a week before the event.

Dorothy Hoard has written several books including her latest, Historic Roads of Los Alamos, which was published in April of this year.

Others include:
A Guide to Bandelier National Monument January 1983
Los Alamos Outdoors December 1993

Dorothy and husband Donald Hoard arrived in Los Alamos with their four children on Sept. 9, 1963. For 10 years, she and fellow hikers from the Los Alamos Outdoor Association walked down every canyon and every mesa in Bandelier, which led to the publication of her book,  A Guide to Bandelier National Monument.

Dorothy founded Friends of Bandelier in 1987 and has served as president since its inception. In 1982, she helped catalog the Los Alamos County petroglyphs. The survey took 10 years to complete. In 1995, Sentinels in Stone was published and White Rock Canyon and its art were given a place on the National Register of Historic Places. Dorothy and a co-author received a Governor’s Award for Historic Preservation. “Casa Dorotea” is the name Bandelier National Monument archaeologist Rory Gauthier selected for a small site Dorothy discovered during her years of hiking in Bandelier. Dorothy organizes the annual butterfly count in Los Alamos, has inventoried local plants and teaches plant identification classes.

Many thanks to member Bonnie Gordon, who is the public affairs director at UNM-Los Alamos. She has reserved the student lecture hall for the meeting at no charge.

The annual membership fee of $10 is due by Sept. 1. (Dues were last collected in June 2008.) Dues can be paid at the Aug. 1 meeting or mailed to:

Suzan Hall
1408 Seville Road
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Las Cruces Chapter

Please contact Cheryl Fallstead ( for information.

Albuquerque Chapter

Please contact Dan Mayfield ( for information.

Member News

To share your own news, send it to

NMPW President Carol Clark is running for Secretary of the National Federation of Press Women. What follows are some words in support of her campaign, excerpted from the NFPW website:

“Ten years of experience interviewing, writing and reporting for newspapers, radio and television provide the skill set Carol Clark feels will enable her to fulfill all the duties of NFPW secretary. In addition to her job as managing editor of the Los Alamos Monitor, her journalism background has honed the attention to detail, accuracy and clarity that are necessary for keeping the functions of an organization in order through the taking of minutes at board meetings and general membership meetings. Carol has been active in her affiliate, New Mexico Press Women, currently serving as president, and having been vice president, as well as chair and co-chair of state conferences and chapter president.”

You can check out all the candidates for NFPW office at the NFPW Web site, here.

Good luck in Texas, Carol!

Connie Gotsch writes:

My children’s book  Belle’s Star comes out August 11 with Artemesia Press in Albuquerque. Written from a dog’s point of view, Belle’s Star tries to show kids that once removed from a bad situation, they can take control of their lives by making wise choices.

Connie also had two of her black and white photos juried into the Durango Art Center’s 33rd Annual June Show in Durango, Colorado. Two additional photos were juried into the 2009 Gateway to Imagination show at Farmington’s Gateway Museum.

Sari Krosinsky came across this group, NM Web Journalism/Media Awards, on Facebook.  She thought NMPW folks might be interested. As it states at the site, the title (NM Web Journalism/Media Awards) is only tentative. This Facebook group is the budding effort of New Mexico’s electronic journosphere to form an annual awards competition.

R. Thomas Berner writes:

Press women might be interested in these Indie Publishing workshops conducted by Tom Johnson, who has been at the North Chapter’s bi-monthly lunches. On July 28, Johnson presents an introduction to Indie Publishing at the Santa Fe Complex beginning at 7 p.m., followed on Aug. 22 by a day-long seminar at St. John’s Methodist Church in Santa Fe. The workshop highlights basic computer programs and techniques readily available to help writers publish their own novels, memoir, poetry, dissertation, cookbook and even photo collections enhanced with text. Participants will learn to use free, on-line web applications that guide writers though the formatting of their work so it will look good in print. They will learn how those formatted pages, created with easily available word processing templates and including graphics, can be saved and uploaded to Web-based print-on-demand companies. For more information, go to