Sign up for “Journalism under Fire: Covering Crisis” Conference

The Santa Fe Council on International Relations (CIR) will host its third Journalism under Fire conference this fall from November 10 – December 3. All digital for the first time, this year’s theme is Covering Crisis and will feature leading journalists, photojournalists, political cartoonists, and academics. Together, they’ll address, dissect, and illustrate how journalism is covering today’s overlapping social, public health, economic, and environmental crises – all on the heels of the U.S. elections.

There will be at least five live-stream sessions per week, beginning on November 10, with a star-studded Grand Opening Event, and concluding on December 3. Among them, our featured speakers have won 12 Pulitzer Prizes. Speakers include:

  • Nicholas Kristof (The New York Times) and Sheryl WuDunn. November 10
  • Dana Priest (The Washington Post) serving as emcee for the conference’s first week
  • Wesley Lowery (CBS News and 60 Minutes) and Astead Herndon (The New York
    Times) on Covering Social Crisis. November 12
  • Ivan Kolpakov ( and Ben Smith (The New York Times) on Covering Crisis: Resistance vs. Independence in Journalism. November 17
  • Political cartoonists Matt Wuerker (Politico) and Jack Ohman (The Sacramento
    Bee) on Satirizing Crisis, Part One. November 12.
  • Ann Telnaes (The Washington Post) and KAL (The Economist) on Satirizing Crisis, Part Two. December 1
  • Dr. Hany Farid and Dr. Alexa Koenig on Deep Fakes, Disinformation, and Elections.
    November 18 and 19
  • Dr. Courtney Radsch (Advocacy Director, Committee to Protect Journalists) and
    Patricia Campos Mello (Investigative Reporter, Brazil). December 2

Student Learning Labs will afford New Mexico students interactive access to conference
speakers. This year, CIR will launch News Literacy Modules for classroom use, each offering a dynamic view on major journalism principles and issues.

Once again, we will partner with the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and the
American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP), with partial support provided by the
New Mexico Humanities Council. Ultimately, the conference will help each of us – as
individuals, societies, nations, and as a connected global community – better understand  and respond to the crises shaping our turbulent, ever-changing world.

For more information on Journalism under Fire, including sponsorship opportunities, please email CIR’s Executive Director Sandy Campbell or call her at 505-316-1361, or visit

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