(photo courtesy APS)
Phill Casaus, editor of The Santa Fe New Mexican, joins Northern New Mexico Press Women and their guests at Joe’s Dining (Rodeo Plaza) Saturday at 11:30 a.m. He joined the paper last September after a 30-year career in journalism, mostly in New Mexico. Phill will discuss—and answer questions about—his plans for the local daily. Phill has previously worked in sports and on cityside for the ABQ Journal and was editor of the ABQ Tribune, before moving to Denver and the Rocky Mountain News.
Phill a native of ABQ, attended the University of New Mexico and his wife is a native of Santa Fe.
Finally, Phill was executive director of the ABQ Public Schools Education Foundation just prior to being named editor of The New Mexican.
Please email Emily Drabanski: edrabanski@yahoo. com by Thursday, Feb. 8, to reserve a seat at the luncheon. Please feel free to invite others to join us at the luncheon, but we need to get the group reservation to the restaurant. Everyone pays for their lunch with a separate check. PLEASE NOTE: Joe’s charges a 24% gratuity–this pays for use of the meeting space and audio equipment.