NMPW Offers Scholarships in Photojournalism & Journalism


New Mexico Press Women invites students to apply for three higher education scholarships offered this year, open to students regardless of gender. Main criteria for the awards are career potential, although scholastic standing is a consideration. The deadline is Friday, March 6.

NMPW offers one $1,275 Cary Herz scholarship to a student studying photojournalism. This scholarship will be awarded to the student whose photojournalism best reflects Herz’s work. Before applying, students are encouraged to become familiar with her work, especially her final project, “New Mexico’s Crypto-Jews: Image and Memory.” This is the final year for the Cary Herz scholarship.

NMPW also annually awards two $750 Doris Gregory Memorial journalism scholarships. Recipients for both scholarships must currently attend a New Mexico college or university and major in print journalism, broadcast, photojournalism, public relations or advertising.

Scholarship applicants are asked to fill out an application form available online at https://newmexicopresswomen.org/scholarships-2/. The application packet includes a brief description of career goals, samples of work, a copy of transcripts and a letter of recommendation from a professor, employer, mentor or other individual familiar with the student’s work.

Scholarships will be awarded at the NMPW state convention awards banquet during the conference Saturday, April 25, at the Ghost Ranch Conference Center in Abiquiu, New Mexico. Recipients will receive a ticket to the awards banquet.

Historian’s Report 2023

Historian’s Report 2023 New Mexico Press Women Robert Flinkman, Historian March 10th-11th, 2023 New Mexico Press Women officers for the

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