Application deadline Friday, March 23
New Mexico Press Women invites students to apply for three higher education scholarships offered this year, open to students regardless of gender. Main criteria for the awards are career potential and financial need, although scholastic standing is a consideration. The deadline is Friday, March 23.
NMPW offers a $2,000 Cary Herz scholarship to students studying photojournalism. This scholarship will be awarded to the student whose photojournalism best reflects Herz’s work. Before applying, students are encouraged to become familiar with her work, especially her final project, “New Mexico’s Crypto-Jews: Image and Memory.”
NMPW also awards two $750 Doris Gregory Memorial scholarships. Recipients must attend a New Mexico college or university and major in print journalism, broadcast, photojournalism, public relations or advertising.
Scholarship applicants are asked to fill out an application form available online at or The application packet includes a brief description of career goals, samples of work, a copy of transcripts and a letter of recommendation from a professor, employer, mentor or other individual familiar with the student’s work.
Scholarships will be awarded at the NMPW state convention awards banquet during the conference Friday, May 4-Saturday, May 5, in Santa Fe. Recipients will receive two tickets to the awards banquet and a one-night stay at the conference hotel.
Mail completed applications, postmarked by Friday, March 23, to:
Sharon Niederman
NMPW Scholarships
P.O. Box 1371
Raton, N.M. 87740
About Cary Herz and Doris Gregory:
Award-winning photographer Cary Herz made her mark in the early 1970s recording the women’s movement for Ms. Magazine and other publications and covering the “new” phenomenon of women’s sports. Her arresting photographs appeared in the most prestigious newspapers, news organizations and magazines in the country, including The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Associated Press, TIME, PC World and People.
Herz’s photos have been published in nearly a dozen books and some have been exhibited at the Smithsonian Institution. In late 2007, her book “New Mexico’s Crypto-Jews: Image and Memory” was published by University of New Mexico Press to wide acclaim and excellent reviews. She was named NMPW’s Communicator of Achievement in 2008. She died of ovarian cancer that same year.
Doris Gregory was an award-winning member of NMPW and the National Federation of Press Women in the 1950s and ‘60s. She was a correspondent for the El Paso Times for 12 years and was also a public relations professional, a magazine editor, and an association executive. The Doris Gregory Memorial Scholarship, established after her death from cancer in 1969, is awarded every year to at least one and often two New Mexico college or university students studying some aspect of communications.
NMPW, the state’s largest inclusive media organization since 1949, is open to men and women. NMPW holds an annual communications contest with more than 90 categories, provides scholarships, and has local chapter activities in Albuquerque, Northern New Mexico and Las Cruces. Find more information at