If you would like guidance with the electronic entry process for the New Mexico Press Women’s Communications Contest, you are welcome to attend a free workshop on January 5 from 12:15 until 1:15. This will follow the Southwest Writers meeting at the Center for Spiritual Living, on the northwest corner of Louisiana and Claremont (north of Menaul). This is a very broad contest that includes all types of communications, and state winners can move on to national competition. For more information on the contest categories, deadlines, and submission requirements, see newmexicopresswomen.org/2019-communications-contest. All submissions, including books, must be done electronically via the contest entry website. NMPW board members will be available to guide you through the process. We will have a few computers available, but please bring your own laptop if you can.
Guest Speaker Deb Haaland will Join 2025 NMPW Conference
Deb Haaland is a fierce leader — repeatedly breaking down barriers for future generations. A 35th generation New Mexican who organized for