Annual Meeting Postponement

After the Declaration of a Health Emergency related to the COVID-19 virus in New Mexico last week, the NMPW Board cancelled the 2020 Conference.  The Annual Meeting scheduled for Saturday, March 21st, at 8:15 a.m., unfortunately, must be postponed because it cannot be held online. New Mexico Press Women Bylaws require that the Annual Meeting be conducted in person with paper ballots to elect officers (Article IV, Section 2). The current officers stay in office until new officers are voted and sworn in at the end of the Annual Meeting (Article IV, Section 4).
Once the Governor’s Health Emergency Declaration has been lifted, NMPW will send members notice of a rescheduled Annual Meeting to take place in person.
Thank you for your patience as the NMPW Board makes adjustments during trying times….
Hope you are staying safe.
Sherri Burr
NMPW President