Endowed Scholarship News

New Mexico Press Women has endowed two scholarships (the Rosenstiel Scholarship for graduate students and the Anne and Tony Hillerman Scholarship for undergraduates) through the Albuquerque Community Foundation. Any gift of $7.50, $75, $750, $1075, or more will be acknowledged in our 75th Anniversary Conference at the Isleta Resort and Hotel on March 15-16, 2024. Please consider donating to build the endowment! Just use this link: https://go.abqcf.org/nmpw. Many thanks to our current Vice President Leonie Rosenstiel and our former President Anne Hillerman for their generous donations. Additionally, all donors to the two New Mexico Press Women Scholarships on Giving Tuesday will be entered into a raffle to receive prizes at our Conference. You do not need to be present to win.