2023 New Mexico Press Women Communications Contest Opens

Get Ready To Win

The 2023 New Mexico Press Women Communications Contest will open for entries October 1. The state contest is the first tier in the National Federation of Press Women’s contest. Entries are submitted through the National Federation of Press Women’s Communications Contest portal .

The New Mexico Press Women’s Communications Contest is judged at the state level. First place winners in the state level contest are eligible to move to the national level of judging. To be eligible to move to the national contest, the entrant must be a member in good standing with the National Federation of Press Women.

The contest is open to media people over the age of 18 regardless of gender, professional status or location. There are 61 categories covering writing, editing, photography, graphic design, radio and television, web and social media, advertising, communication programs and campaigns, public relations materials, information for the media, speeches and collegiate/education.

All work must have been published or broadcast between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022 to be eligible for entry.

Entry fees for New Mexico Press Women are $25 for the first entry and $15 for each additional entry. Nonmember fees are $30 for the first entry and $20 for each additional entry. Student fees are $10 for the first and $10 for each additional entry. A one time $25 late fee will be assessed to all professional contest entrants after the Jan. 18, 2023 deadline. Feb. 1, is the entry deadline for all books. Feb. 8, is the final contest deadline and on Feb. 10 state level contest judging begins.

Judging will be completed by March 10 and first place winners that want to go on to the national contest must be members of the national organization by March 15. The national judging will be completed by April 7. New Mexico Press Women will pay the additional national entry fee for one qualified entry by an NMPW member; national fees for additional entries by NMPW members and all entries for nonmembers must be paid by the entrant.

State level contest winners will be announced at the annual NMPW conference planned for March 10-11, 2023 at Isleta Hotel and Resort. For more information go to newmexicopresswomen.org.

Historian’s Report 2023

Historian’s Report 2023 New Mexico Press Women Robert Flinkman, Historian March 10th-11th, 2023 New Mexico Press Women officers for the

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