2015 Zia Book Award

There is still time to submit your non-fiction work. We are accepting submissions postmarked by January 31, 2015

An outstanding New Mexican writer will be honored for her work in non-fiction next spring when her book receives the prestigious Zia Award given by New Mexico Press Women.

New Mexico women writers are invited to submit their non-fiction books for consideration of the award, given each year at the annual New Mexico Press Women spring conference luncheon. The 2015 conference luncheon will be held April 25, 2015 at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico. Finalists are required to attend the award luncheon to read from their work.

Each year the award rotates to one of three categories: non-fiction, fiction and children’s literature. To accommodate this schedule, a book published in the last three years is eligible. Any non-fiction book published in 2012, 2013 or 2014 will be accepted for consideration of the 2015 Zia Award.

Publishers or authors may submit a book entry. Membership in the association is not required, but the writer must be a woman. Authors must also live in the state, or have a strong connection to New Mexico, however the book can be published anywhere. The entry fee is $25 per book.

For consideration please submit:

  • A cover letter with contact information (include email) containing the following:
    • Author’s biography
    • Author’s connection to New Mexico
    • Description of the book
  • A copy of the book
  • A check for $25, payable to “New Mexico Press Women.”

Mail to the following address:
Jessica Savage
Zia Award Contest Chair
1612 Ralph Dr.
Las Cruces, NM 88001

Online entry fees can be paid using PayPal.

Entries must be postmarked by Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015. (Extended deadline is January 31, 2015)
An acknowledgement letter will be emailed upon receipt of the entry.

Book entries are considered a donation to the organization and are not returned. The books will be part of the silent auction, held at the annual spring awards banquet, to raise scholarship funds.

For more information on the contest please send correspondence to the address listed above or email at: jsavage@cybermesa.com.