2015 Ghost Ranch Annual Conference on “The Power of Storytelling” is Sold Out

If you remain interested in attending the April 24-25 NMPW conference at Ghost Ranch, you can join the wait-list. Please email Loretta Hall at loretta@authorhall.com with the following information:

Name____________________  Phone Number__________ Email Address ___________

  1. Full Conference _____$180 for Members  or __________$200 for Non-members _____$150 for Students/Guests/or members of both NMPW & NFP
  2. Zia Award Lunch ____$45 for Members or ___________$50 for Non-members
  3. Awards Banquet _____$60 for Members or ___________$65 for Non-members
  4. NMPW Membership Dues ______$13   NMPW/NFPW Membership Dues ______$90

We anticipate contacting individuals on the wait-list between late Friday afternoon, April 3rd, and Tuesday, April 7th. At that point, the person must arrange for immediate payment by providing a credit card number or by sending a check to Loretta Hall. If a person has changed his or her mind about attending, she will contact the next person on the wait-list. Since the last day to request a refund is April 5th, she will immediately resell any cancelled registrations.

For more information on the conference click here.

Historian’s Report 2023

Historian’s Report 2023 New Mexico Press Women Robert Flinkman, Historian March 10th-11th, 2023 New Mexico Press Women officers for the

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